Fun fact, you cannot create groups on Pleroma
- Machismo repeated this.
@lelouchebag @hfaust Reminder that hashtags function as groups, you can just use them, and you don't have to be a mastotranny about it.
@Zerglingman @hfaust Ehh kinda but they're susceptible to hijacking and don't have notifications. Years ago I prepositioned a "group bot" wherein you'd do something like
(at)group_bot create movienight
(at)group_bot add @lelouchebag movienight
(at) group_bot notify movienight a new movie is on!
But lain told me to fuck off and he'd make it happen (it's really fucking easy to do and he has gs code to look at) so at this point I might just make it out of spite
@lelouchebag @hfaust Someone has already made that bot, and everyone got mad at it.
>susceptible to hijacking
And groups aren't...?
>don't have notifications
Skill issue.
@Zerglingman @hfaust of course it'd be a bit more involved, like the user being added would get a DM if they want to join the group, security options to only allow people you follow to send you invites, letting users spawn a group DM (with a constant "thread" they can all follow and message in). I could make it in a weekend but I (stupidly) respected lain's wishes. Anyone reading this can make it themselves, I don't care enough
@lelouchebag @hfaust
@Zerglingman @hfaust I envisioned a sqlite DB, so internally the group would be @lelouchebag:grouphere and only the "owner" could do the mass notifications (it'd be neat if there could also be scheduled notifications). So in this way there could be many movienight groups but only the creator could add and message people via them.
>there already was a bot but people got butthurt
Ehhh they suck. Imagine fagging that hard over a dude's wishes. There is a problem, and now there exists a solution. But it wasn't wholesome chungus developer who made it so it's bad. These are the people who hold back computing
@lelouchebag @hfaust >(it'd be neat if there could also be scheduled notifications
Skill issue, picrel
What you're describing sounds more like an announce list than a group. Which is even easier to do with existing tools.
@Zerglingman @hfaust Ehh that's entirely a skill issue on an incompetent dev who didn't consider abuse. Or just another cancerous twitter vestige (aka poast) account being an ass (as poasties often do)
@Zerglingman @hfaust I wanted to merge the two usecases :cirnoHi:
@lelouchebag @hfaust I just don't see the need because you can already do that with a dedicated account that people can follow, turn on protected mode if you really want to be a nigger.