PS2 had DVD though right? I think it was Ps3 with BluRay
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@verita84 @coolboymew It did. Pretty decent one too if memory serves.
I remember being really stoked about it when I bought one because I could rent DVD's
@ins0mniak @coolboymew
Yeah I remember buying it in the military to save space lol
@verita84 @coolboymew I remember when it first came out, there were just crowds and crowds of people at the mall trying to get one. Thing was sold out forever.
@ins0mniak @verita84 @coolboymew
Development on a new type of disc was in the works in the late 90s by Sony.
Any blue trademarks showed up at the year 2000 so pretty much when PS2 was released.
So the inside sources probably weren't wrong but it was too early to put it into any game console. UDOs are apparently the early versions of Blu-ray or something I don't know
@zemichi @coolboymew @verita84 I remember there was a lot of speculation and such in the years after the first PS came out.
Always rumors going around with your friends about what "they already have in Japan".
Everyone thought that minidisc was going to be huge and it ended up being nothing.