Man, after watching a video about Splatoon and growing up, I realized that there will come a point in the future where the characters I grew up with and love will be considered relics of a bygone time. They set a legacy that might live on longer than me.
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- Machismo repeated this.
@Echigo decided to tell some girl who's little brother plays on a switch mainly Splatoon to buy him dragon quest 3
Hopefully that game won't die in the west as some after thought
@Echigo Almost reminds me of a description for one of the furniture from Girlsfrontline: Leisure game self: "You say games of today are nowhere as fun as games in the past.You say games have changed,you have changed,and the times have changed. In fact nothing has changed as long as you still enjoy it them.
@MashpotatoesIII @Echigo Sv-98 is real cute :flan_yea:
@poopernova @Echigo @MashpotatoesIII based Perscia
@rlier23 @MordredSimp @Echigo Here's the funny thing, does feel cold, it's just that he ignores it, and you could too, but then you'd probably feel a part of your body not able to move properly and hurt, like your neck. :zt_smug2:
@Echigo It's called getting older. I am still not used to it
@MordredSimp @Echigo getting older is when you see a kid wearing shorts during the rain and ask yourself "does he not feel cold"?
and then you remember you used to do the same thing :dead_inside: