why do all the anime girls from particular animes have noses that look like it was a snout and someone lopped the end of it off at perhaps the most inconvenient angle possible?
i dont understand. it makes them look like they're hogs with human heads and bodies.
signed sincerely,
appreciator of the natural human form, therein the above is not how to draw a nose, as it is not lifelike.
do they eat ants like an aardvark ? what am i missing here ?
@Zerglingman dont be a jerk. ;)
you can see examples of this in @s 's timeline.
sometimes not but sometimes yes.
i just dont understand.
anime seems to waffle between two extremes:
no nose, or the snout thingy.
and unless it's a chimeric hybrid, it needs a nose..
@ringo @s My point is that anime style frequently goes full retard. It's part of the fun.
Anime is meant to be cute, not realistic. And cheap.
@Zerglingman @s
to me it feels confusing. :)
i like it when characters have a proper face.
maybe i'm not getting something, but if its that hard to draw, why not include a proper nose ?
@Zerglingman @s @ringo not to mention there's plenty of anime where noses are actually drawn in a realistic manner, like jojo or fist of the north star, i'd say it's more of an oldschool thing to have realistic noses, not that you really need it to tell a serious story, madoka magica did well with a cutesy artstyle
@lina @ringo @s >like [gay porn] or [low-key gay porn]
@lina @s @Zerglingman im not familiar with anime, so this is news to me. thanks :)
@ringo @s @Zerglingman it's a matter of looking around really, there's all sorts of stuff, also worth looking at stuff like OVAs and full motion stuff, those tend to have better animation quality
@Zerglingman @s @ringo scratch enough and anything will look gay when it comes to anime, just a matter of what you're looking for there :ryukobleh:
@lina @s @Zerglingman
for whatever reason its not a form of art i appreciate, but i did try a few times.
ive been a photographer my whole life so it feels very very strange to me.
@ringo @s @Zerglingman yea it's a whole different world really, realism isn't the first and foremost concern there unless you're making something niche that involves accuracy, initial D had keiichi tsuchiya supervising it to make sure all the driving is accurate
@lina @ringo @s But not the noses.
@Zerglingman @s @ringo rightfully so, the noses wouldn't be interesting in an anime about street racing
@Zerglingman @ringo @s anime strictly about noses when
@lina @ringo @s I'm sure there's already a hentai like that.
@Zerglingman @s @ringo yaoi hands, yaoi noses
@ringo @s @Zerglingman The simpler depictions make the viewer more emotionally connected because the brain fills in the blanks with that person's ideal. That's as long as it doesn't look too fake or too real, which sets fight or flight instincts off. The mind is a weird thing.
@Zettour @ringo @s Now I am trying to remember what shoujo noses look like.
@Zerglingman @lina @s @ringo I can confirm.
@Zettour @lina @ringo @s sasuga
@lina @Zerglingman @ringo @s Does Akagi count?
@iamtakingiteasy @Zerglingman @ringo @s honestly i thought about it, but that one's got gambling elements in it, so we need an anime that's strictly about noses and nose related bullying and a character with a regular or moeblob nose showing up and it being about noses you get what i mean
@Zerglingman @s @Zettour @ringo i'm unfazed by this information honestly, i fully expected a hentai doujin about noses to exist :ryukosmoke:
@Zerglingman @s @ringo Rayearth has typical shoujo noses, sometimes they just go with a dot for a nose instead.
@Zerglingman @lina @s @ringo You will watch the brother of anime Jesus omae wa mo people and you will like it.