@Zergling_man @MisterRogersSnapped @p @goo Is this porn? Because porn is a separate matter.
And if I'm being frank, if you have over 10,000 memes you have bigger problems than sorting.
@realman543 @Zergling_man @MisterRogersSnapped @goo
> if you have over 10,000 memes you have bigger problems than sorting.
When my machine rebooted, destroying 585 days of uptime (fuck NVidia), I lost this, but it's quick to run:
9 du -at pics/w | mawk '{a[$1-($1%(86400))]++}END{for(i in a)print i, a[i]}' | sort -n | mawk '{t+=$2;print $1 "," $2 "," t}' >/tmp/perday.csv
Then just fire up R and:
dat <- read.csv('/tmp/memes_by_day.csv', sep=",", header=FALSE)
qplot(data=dat, as.POSIXct(V1, origin="1970-01-01"), V3, geom=c("line"))