>apply to 2 shitty retail jobs with slightly higher part time money
>one auto rejected after like 2 minutes of applying
>other been ghosting me for the past 3 days
I love being a young male in the united states :kek_pain:
- チャガタイくん@喜多川海夢推し and :awoo_tired: shotgun snuggler :clownpiece_smug: like this.
I find it oxymoronic that they have resume button to upload your shit like a position stocking computers, or cleaning the floor needs a fucking college degree
@VTArgyle i wish i was this retarded getting a position in your work :kek_pain:
@luithe Considering the intelligence of people nowadays, they pretty much do need a college degree; I'm having fresh out of highschool people asking in legit confusion what kind of veggies goes on a meat lovers pizza