Remember I posted that article about how California was going to force all the rich enclaves to start having low-income housing to enforce racial integration? They just started the lawsuits.
@LouisConde I wonder what the shot is here. Maybe more blockbusting, enabling Black Rock et al to buy real estate on the cheap later on?
@DW2 Possibly a mix of that with Zoomer true believers who think they can make Japanese style cities with Nicaraguans and blacks.
@LouisConde >make Japanese style cities with Nicaraguans and blacks.
and they have the temerity to mock devout Christians
@LouisConde @DW2 TBH a win condition for the rest of us is the True Believers forcing niggers on the wealthy- that might get those fuckos to want the whole thing repealed and to roll back on nigger-worship.
@RupertvonRipp @DW2 Yeah that's the thing conservative types who are mad about this don't get. They already ruined all the working class and middle class neighborhoods, why should all the rich liberals get a free pass from the consequences that they're primarily responsible for?
@LouisConde I'm looking on google maps and I can't even see any spot where they could build something new. Are they just supposed to pave over the parks, or the beach? Thank you friend.
@bebe @LouisConde this is soulless and not part of God's plan
@graf @bebe Yeah, Californian urban planning is atrocious because they fell for the meme of designing everything around cars in the mid 20th century.