One idea that's been stuck in my head recently is about committed decisions and the point of no return.
Basically that after making one decision it "locks you into a path" and forces you to act differently based on that afterwards.
To one extent this is about living with your choices. If you choose to buy a house or a car, you have to deal with it. However it also causes you to "buy in" to a certain lifestyle. If you buy a pickup truck you might look for excuses to use it to carry things. If you buy an expensive car you might want to show it off to raise your status. Even if those were not your intentions in the first place, that decision affects your "path" forwards in life to some degree that otherwise would not have happened.
At some point people may buy into something so heavily that it becomes a cornerstone of their mental identity. You can see this a lot with political ideologies, sexual and "gender" identity, fandoms, etc. Where to the point that if you removed that, the person would not be the same. Basically creating a traumatic shock.
The point I think I'm trying to make is that small decisions add up significantly over time. Especially when it comes to the overall trajectory and momentum of a persons life.
@Arkana like lets say u know ur nazi stuff is bs, but u so invested on it, ur ego doesnt allow u to see its bs?
@11112011 @Arkana many such cases (nothing on arkana personally, this is just a pattern I've very often noticed)