I'm constantly getting fucked over by my ability to trust people. I'm giving too much benefit of the doubt and too lenient sometimes. Eris was right it's better for me to be aggressive to people that toyed with my trust.
This perfectly encapsulates what I think right now. I'm always the one that receive the blow. When people did some mistake I'm expected to let it go but when I did something wrong, they acted like I'm the incarnation of satan. Worse, sometimes I didn't do anything wrong yet they accused me of hurting them and I'm forced to say sorry.
I'm not going to be kind anymore, fuck kindness on the internet, people aren't even treating me like a human being.
@FabolousIrving Whatever happened, happened. For me, it's less about kindness and more about not putting anything on stake that I don't want to lose. Either way, hope you'll recover.
@mint if anything, the only thing that I lost is sympathy and trust. It will be hard to trust people that betrays your expectations again and again.