Ok bros so i did some digging. Hey conspiratards check my work on this one it involves fema and everything.
So you guys probably heard about "the day of hate" this was "discovered" by a NGO group that is frankly just bullshit but theyre unimportant what is important is what the ADL said in response. I will link the whole thing but lets look at the last paragraph.
>Please join ADL in urging your members of Congress to fully fund the Nonprofit Security Grant Program at $360 million.
Ahhhh so theyre begging for money but lets check out that program.
Ahhh its from FEMA weird, lets click about.
>Our Mission
>To deliver and support grant programs that help the Nation before, during, and after disasters in order to make the country more resilient.
Seems normal for fema but whats this? DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships? On the FEMA site? In the NGO grants page that the ADL is demanding be funded. Lets check that out huh.
>The DHS Center serves as a clearinghouse for information, connecting and coordinating with faith-based organizations allowing information to be shared in both directions, informing decision-making at DHS by elevating concerns, ground truth and local situational awareness while providing feedback, updates and guidance to the faith community.
Oh so the ADL is demanding a spy network through DHS ran by arch jew triumviate member alejandro mayorkas.
Lets check that ADL article again
>While ADL is not aware of any specific threats, we know that these groups are hoping for increased antisemitic flier distributions, small protests and graffiti. We know this is frightening; it is completely unacceptable that any faith should be targeted in this way
O so they made it up its bullshit as an excuse to fill churches with feds while letting the synagouge run it. Please spread this everywhere and ask why fema is funding the ADL over palestine. Links below*h40bnw*_ga*YW1wLWtFNm9ZQ1RIZVp5cDJHLXpJa2c0VENGUDk2SHJpc3lUVmJYakJrbjJ0dDAyeU9XRnlZbkFXNmtEeDNMNDdFOWo.