>Gen Z gives up on playing the world's gayest lottery against a thousand other imported pajeets fighting for a single junior developer position.
>Shitty low paying jobs are definitely something they chose and were in no way forced to take.
@dictatordave @Shadowbroker2135 @Hoss >disneyland tier national park
These are a thing?
@Shadowbroker2135 @Eiswald @Hoss those faggots wont use it and you know it
that's a fallacy that rei uses to justify having niggers in every fuckin ad
most amerifats die after a mile of moderate hill walking, and i'm hoping they actually die sooner than later, seriously a mass die off is exactly what the world needs
@dictatordave @Eiswald @Hoss They're coming.
@Shadowbroker2135 @Eiswald @Hoss so dont go to a disneyland tier national park
@Eiswald @Hoss there are a bunch of job postings right now to build trails in national forests, and you dont even have to work for the feds, its like 3rd party groups that do the contracting
26 weeks innawood sounds good to me
ps they pay like $25 an hour
@dictatordave @Eiswald @Hoss >making the woods more accessible to normies
@Hoss "What do you mean that you don't want to sell your soul to a corporation and waste your life in an over saturated job sector full of ludicrously high demands and expectations, dead ends, zero autonomy, hostile HR, extremely long mandatory work hours, where nothing you ever do matters or will ever be appreciated?"
Both things are a problem. The field itself and the immigration/outsourcing.