@andreas @gfkdsgn @h4890
Maybe a trip to the proctologist is in order. We can all go and compare endoscopy pictures.
I do not buy into simplistic explanations, and "it's all the Jews" or "it's all colonialism" or even "it's all the Rich" fall into that category.
It's tard-tier stuff for people who do not actually want change.
@amerika @gfkdsgn @h4890 maybe a trip to the euthanasia clinic for you in order for a dysgenic faggot like yourself talking about colons.
Yes it is the jews. They admit it themselves. You deny it like a malignant tumor. You are worthless to them and would not miss one of many jew fellaters they would replace with dumber hackvists.
Colonialism is tangibly beneficial by having more resources to work with anticolonialists are just too fucking retarded to work with what they have. The preceived rich today are not even rich in a tangible sense. They don't even own the money they make nor corporations they found or support. They are ideologically driven and improvished as the result. They would be called wilfully poor and despised for that in better times.
So what you said was a retarded false equivelancy between right antisemitism and left antisuccess is not unexpected by a deradicalization punk with shit taste in music.