Still from Bocchi the Rock! The protagonit is absolutely terrified of the thought of working at the beach.
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@romin I'm joking, I think this show's actually quite entertaining. Unlike K-On! which was supposed to be in similar vein, but was too KyoAni and too brain-dead for me. It took me drinking a bottle of vodka alone just to get through the first episode of that :marseyemojismilemouthcoldsweat: I think we got to episode seven with a friend once, but each of us had to drink a box of beer. We barely woke up the next day and it was my friends birthday, we were supposed to cook all the meals. Unsurprisingly, I couldn't remember a thing about K-On! :marseylaughwith:
Bocchi on the other hand is decent, I can watch it completely sober. But I think they've went overboard with the protagonist. She's not just introverted — I'm introverted, I do enjoy indoors stuff more, but I'm nothing like her, she's outright sociophobic, maybe autistic even. I sure remember being uncomfortable answering a phone when I was a kid, but she's in high school, I had already realized that most people don't give a fuck what you do, how and what you say most of the time when I was her age.
Sure, I can understand why many can relate, but to me she seems too out of touch at times, even if it's for comedic effect it's a bit off-putting. But otherwise it's a fun show!