@amerika @TheMadPirate @djsumdog @Humpleupagus @apropos @ins0mniak @mar77i @h4890 @mutageno2 @AlphaKiloPapa @Sirpantangelini @Vox @blitzed @dj @FourOh-LLC @Kolomona @toiletpaper @Leyonhjelm @asa @sj_zero @threalist @thendrix Reading 'Patient Zeroand the Early Days of HIV / AIDS' by Niccolo Soldo. Insane how reluctant the homo community in L.A. was in closing down the major centres of infection, or even simply leaving the lights on during their orgies while in the backrooms, so participants could know who is and who isn't infected with A.I.D.S.. Homos deserve the suffering brought upon by A.I.D.S..